John B. Moore Documentary Studies Collaborative 815 North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Offices: Filene Hall, 2nd Floor
DocLab: Scribner Library 113
Hudson Mohawk Magazine | Sanctuary Radio
Spring 2022- present
The Hudson Mohawk Magazine is an all-volunteer, locally-produced news and public affairs radio show based in Troy, NY. This radio program advances their organizational mission to use art and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of expression.
Beginning in the summer of 2022, MDOCS CCI supported a collaboration with Willie Terry of Hudson Mohawk Magazine and Professor Eric Morser (History) related to labor history. In the Fall 2022 semester, students in Morser’s ‘American Labor History’ course are conducted oral history interviews with local union leaders, rank-and-file workers, and labor movement organizers. These interviews are the beginning of a longer-range oral history project and will eventually be accessible via a project website and radio pieces via Hudson Mohawk Magazine and WSPN.