John B. Moore Documentary Studies Collaborative 815 North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Offices: Filene Hall, 2nd Floor
DocLab: Scribner Library 113
Harm Reduction Works
Spring 2021- present
A project of HRH43, Harm Reduction Works-HRW is a harm reduction based self-help/mutual aid group originally conceived as an alternative to (though not in opposition to) abstinence-only organizations like 12-step, etc. Harm Reduction Works-HRW is really for anyone who wants to know more about harm reduction and how it might help, for any reason regardless of their substance use.. In Spring 2024, HRW will collaborate with Prof. Angela Beallor in a class on “narrative activism,” documenting short personal stories related to substance use and harm reduction
During Fall 2022, members of HRW worked with Professor Lucia Hulsether’s Religious Studies course “Religion + the Scientific Imagination. With support from the Co-Creation Initiative, we invited local Theatre of the Oppressed practitioners, Kristoph DiMaria (Will Kempe Players) and Alÿcia Bacon (Mothers Out Front) to facilitate several Theatre of the Oppressed workshops with students and Harm Reduction Works. The themes of harm reduction, mutual aid, addiction, community support, and more are woven into the workshop.