John B. Moore Documentary Studies Collaborative 815 North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Offices: Filene Hall, 2nd Floor
DocLab: Scribner Library 113
Black Dimensions In Art, Inc.
Spring 2021- present
Black Dimensions in Art is the longest running black arts organizations in NYS (outside of NYC). In anticipation of their fiftieth anniversary in 2025, BDA is working on interviews, documentation of the organization’s past work, and archival research. In Fall 2021, BDA partnered with Theatre Professor Eunice Ferreira’s course, ‘Theater: Social Justice & Change,’ introducing students to current artist members as well three of the founding members.
During Spring 2022, students worked on digitizing BDA materials, archival research, and conducting interviews. Students Maria Staack (‘22), Will Carter, and Maelcom Thayer interviewed Black Dimensions in Art-affiliated artist Francelise Dawkins in The Center during Spring 2022.
Black Dimensions in Art is developing a video documentary and exhibitions for 2025.