a virtual exhibit of work by the 2020 MDOCS Storytellers’ Institute Fellows
Works of the Institute includes collaborative exercises that were made over the course of the Institute as part of group activities. Glimpse into the world we built together during the 2020 MDOCS Storytellers’ Institute.

As a way to forge physical connection, each Fellow was assigned a recipient that they had to create a piece of mail art for at the beginning of the Institute. The MAIL ART was sent by the good ol’ U.S. postal service or digitally if the recipient was not able to receive physical mail for any reason. The recipient was asked to reply by sending a piece of mail art of their own creation. The exchange was kept up for as long as the Fellows wanted.

As part of his creative work as a photographer, Visiting Fellow Gioncarlo Valentine, has a creative process of writing poetry in different forms to process his thoughts and experiences. He shared this practice with us and using the website we each wrote and shared POEMS in varying forms.

As a visual artist, Visiting Fellow Raul Ayala is interested in non-verbal communication and led the Institute in an exercise to awaken visual communication through COLLABORATIVE DRAWINGS. In small groups we used the online drawing tool to create collective drawings. Following each other’s gestures and expressions and responding with our own, initially felt abstract, but with practice became a real conversation.

Visiting Fellow Fernanda Espinosa asked each Fellow to create an ALTAR of meaningful objects from their surroundings that together would tell a story about themselves to share with the rest of the Institute.
Work of the Fellows * Work of the Institute * Exhibition Description