MDOCS Storytellers' Institute

Harjant Gill

For award-winning filmmaker and visual anthropologist Harjant Gill, making films is about casting a spotlight on urgent and often overlooked social issues, and making marginalized members of society feel less isolated and more understood. Gill’s research and films explore the intersections of gender, sexuality, religion, citizenship, transnationality, and notions of belonging with a particular focus on Indian and diasporic masculinities. Born and raised in Chandigarh, India, Gill studied visual anthropology at San Francisco State University before pursuing his PhD in anthropology at American University. Gill currently lives in Washington DC where he is an assistant professor of anthropology at Towson University.




Watch more of Harjant’s work such as the trailers for Sent Away Boys (2016) and Roots of Love (2011) on his site for Tilotama Productions.

Roots of Love (2011) – 26 min.; In Punjabi & English w/subtitles; Directed by Harjant Gill; Produced by PSBT (Public Service Broadcasting Trust)
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