The Documents

We worked with legal documents written in secretary hand dating between 1650 and 1700.  At the start, we knew only the date of the document and one or two names that someone in the past had deciphered.  Document names were cryptic.  They ranged from “untitled” to “1699, John Auld,” “1699, signed c. campbell” and “1655, indenture with seals, Sir Geo. Wentworth…” 

In transcribing, we identified people and place names.  When compiling and comparing, it became clear that most documents were Scottish, and tied to the Fisher and Auld families who lived about 20 miles south east of Edinburgh.  A single English will, which turned out to be linked to the Wentworth family of Wentworth-Woodhouse, provided a fascinating counterpoint.

In translating, we began to understand how land tenancy and inheritance worked for those with some resources in early modern Great Britain.

Below, learn a little about the three sets of documents.  Click on the collection to be taken to a page that provides links to each documents, a finding aid for each, and a transcription and translation of the text. [In Process]

This map, from a 19th c. atlas, shows the United Kingdom in the seventeenth century.


(1) Sir George Wentworth, Will and Codicil, 1655 and 1656

Scotland (Fisher Family)

Five sasines (land indentures) are from John Fisher, portioner of Manuel-Foulis (Crownerland) and his son, also John Fisher. One, from 1679, assigns half the lands of Manuel-foulis (Crounnerland) to Margaret Whitlaw, John Fisher’s wife. The other four, are from 1699 and document John Fisher and his wife Helen Younger taking over the indenture from William Ker, the landowner.

(2) John Fisher assigns land and rents from half the property of Maneul-Foulis to his wife, Margaret Whitlaw, 1679.
(3) Precept of Saasine of John Fishar (Fisher) 1699
(4) Precept of Sasine of John Fisher and wife Helen Younger, 1699
(5) John Fisher legal proceedings indicating inheritance, 1699
(6) Property inheritance of James Fisher, 1699

Scotland (Auld Family)

Three sasines are from landowner Patrick Auld of Torbane Hill, near Bathgate, from 1698 and 1699. Two tie Auld to John Bell, one as a rental document and the other as a defendant in a complaint.

(7) Patrick Auld rents land at Torbane Hill to John and Agnes Bell, 1698
(8) Bond between Patrick Auld and John Auld, 1699
(9) Demand by Alexander Bell and son John Bell with John Wardrup against landowner Patrick Auld, 1699
