Here are transcriptions and translations of three sasines between landowner Patrick Auld of Torbane Hill, near Bathgate, from 1698 and 1699. Two tie Auld to John Bell, one as a rental document and the other as a defendant in a complaint.
(7) Patrick Auld rents land at Torbane Hill to John and Agnes Bell, 1698
(8) Bond between Patrick Auld and John Auld, 1699
(9) Demand by Alexander Bell and son John Bell with John Wardrup against landowner Patrick Auld, 1699
(7) Patrick Auld rents land at Torbanehill to John and Agnes Bell.
Transcription: Jordana Dym
Document 02
Finding Aid
Transcription and Translation
(8) Bond between Patrick Auld and John Auld, 1699
Transcription: Brendan Grover
Document 20:
Finding Aid
Transcription and Translation
(9) Demand by Alexander Bell and son John Bell with John Wardrup against landowner Patrick Auld, 1699
Transcription: Willa Flink
Document 21
Finding Aid
Transcription and Translation